Oracle Takes a Huge Leap in Terms of Voice-Technology


The relatively new digital assistant, called Oracle has been around since 2016. Last autumn was the monumental moment when the four-year-old added voice capabilities to something which merely used to be a chatbot.

Henceforth, voice interactions opened up a plethora of opportunities for Oracle’s employees. They found a new platform to connect with sales over a software, which helped streamline a ton of administrative duties down the road.

How does Oracle Voice Assistant Work?

Oracle has introduced a unique technology that allows the voice assistant to translate speech into various languages, to and fro. It has now come down to a point where the communications are run in multiple languages, thanks to the native multilingual NLU feature. The AI can be educated in the native language of the client, and will respond accordingly, in the same language!

This spares the employees from using the Oracle’s official software back and forth to translate speech into English, and then back into the native language. These are now done automatically by the voice assistant itself.

What Makes Oracle’s Digital Assistant Better?

Oracle also made a major move by incorporating its own software architecture into the learning models to better the AI’s performance. The AI is now able to differentiate between sentences that are or may sound similar. It can also identify metaphors and draw out the clear context of a sentence.

Oracle’s Official Verdict

Suhas Uliyar, Oracle’s AI and Digital Voice Assistant’s vice president said in an official statement, “Chatbots and conversational AI are quickly becoming integral tools for enterprise communication and information sharing, in addition to automating traditionally manual tasks.

With the new updates to Oracle Digital Assistant, we are delivering the innovative features users are seeking – such as multilingual capabilities – to further weave digital assistants into the fabric of the enterprise.”

Oracle’s In For a Tough Battle

Oracle’s approach of upgrading its platform and voice assistants matches the kind of aims huge tech giants are nurturing – to couple AI with voice technology. That being said, it’s no news that Oracle is in for a major face-off with its rivals Amazon and Google.

This pandemic, Amazon has been in an absolute roll, upgrading Alexa and introducing new features almost every month. Nonetheless, Google hasn’t been far behind either. Even Microsoft released the Together Mode and is planning to shut Cortana down to focus more on the core functioning of its company, and upping its business strategies.

However, Oracle surely exercises an upper hand in it all, as the company encompasses a massive amount of data regarding business languages and expressions. It can apply those into AI, and what’s more, it has its own cloud system which ensures top-notch security.

This makes Oracle a catch compared to Amazon and Google who constantly face lawsuits for their privacy issues.

Does Oracle’s Digital Assistant Have an Assured Future?

That being said, it doesn’t mean that Oracle has a bright and assured future when it comes to its digital voice assistant. Enterprise AI is still a risky business to venture into.

For example, Australian virtual assistant developer Flamingo AI sold itself for $100 AUS dollars after failing to raise the desired capital. Recently, Salesforce shut its Einstein Voice Assistant down as well. But fingers crossed, let’s hope for the best for Oracle.


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