Guide to How you can change Alexa’ s wake word and Language

Though Amazon Alexa itself is an evolution in this era of smart speakers, the same robotic voice now seems really backdated. So if you got bored with Alexa’s usual robotic voice then Amazon has updated their few features to offer you some different voices. And here is a complete step by step guide on how you can easily change the voice of your Echo device

How to change Alexa’s Wake word 

However, we can’t assure you that you are going to have multiple options available to change the voice. Amazon has only offered a few new wake voices such as “Ziggy”, “Amazon”, ”computer”, “Echo”. So, let’s have a quick look on how you can change the wake word .

    1. Go to the Menu 
    2. Select devices 
    3. Select the device you want to change the wake word 
  1. Select the word you want to give 
  2. Then click Ok

Notice when the orange light stops blinking and you are all set to call it by a new name. 

How to change Alexa’s accent and language

Similarly, Amazon gives you access to change the accent and language according to your country. You can change it from an American accent to an Indian English accent or Australian English accent. Even if you want Alexa to speak your native language then you can easily change it to your preferred language by following the steps below :

  1. Open Menu 
  2. Click settings 
  3. Scroll to ‘device setting’
  4. Select your Echo device 
  5. Scroll down to languages
  6. Select the language or accent you want
  7. Save changes

And you are all set to hear in your own accent or language.

Not only these, Amazon has introduced features such as enabling celebrity voices and a new wake word named ‘Disney’ which is going to launch in 2022.

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