ReadSpeaker launching a new tool to add VUI for Nintendo switch Game development

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ReadSpeaker is delighted to announce the launch of a new tool for adding a voice user interface to the Nintendo Switch video game system. It enables ways for developers to apply for Readspeaker’s software development kit to build the text to text into their products.

Nintendo Switch is one of the recognized names in the system for its combination of flexibility with Mobile and home-based playing. When it comes to PC or other platforms game developers are often more limited. And there’s where Read speaker eases the way of adding VUI and real-time text to speech to their game. Also, they can drive various voices including custom voices from Readspeaker’s stable for announcement or conversational purposes in a game. And as by adding multiple modern game features will drive the attention of young players.

However, for global releasing SDK has been made available in 11 languages which include Japanese, American English, British English, Mexican Spanish, Canadian French, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, and Russian.

ReadSpeaker marketing director Nate Murray stated in a blog while announcing the new tool  “As recently as a few years ago, the quality of TTS solutions did not meet the exacting standards of highly produced, big-budget games. Digital voices at the time could not accurately represent different character types (and differentiate an evil character from a silly character, etc.) and as a result, TTS has long suffered from an image problem – until recently there was a stigma that TTS voices were too synthetic,”

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