Say It Now has acquired Getstarted to provide better experience and features.

British voice commerce giant and advertising developer company Say It Now has now acquired Canada based voice tech startup Getstarted to expand their voice tech offerings.

Say It Now has already made their name as a giant in the market of voice advertising platform. Whenever a ad plays on a speaker it allows users to ask the speaker directly for more information about the product, even they can directly purchase the product via smart speaker by asking. Now by acquiring Getstarted, Say It Now is all set to increase the capabilities of technology and costs. The company aims to build voice AI with minimal coding to provide better customer service.

Horvath, the CEO of Getstarted has stated 

“We are excited to have joined Say It Now and look forward to powering our shared vision that every advertisement can be actionable and offer an instant conversion,” “The personal nature of voice commerce can help brands to foster sustained relationships with consumers in a sophisticated way that traditional broadcast advertising struggles to compete with. The market has a huge growth potential and we are looking forward to cementing Say It Now’s leadership in this space.”

With the increasing demand of voice commerce, Amazon has also decided to follow the same path by launching Alexa interactive ads feature recently.

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