5 Key elements to Enhance Customer Experiences with Voice Assistants for your Brand

In the future, brands will be as recognizable by their ‘Voice’ as by the sight of their logos and taglines. The challenge would be to implement voice user interfaces (VUIs) that accurately reflect the brand’s uniqueness and attributes while delivering exceptional customer experiences that result in brand loyalty.

Voice AI is already enabling market leaders to do this. According to a study, 94% of IT and business decision-makers said they expect to be using voice AI with customers by 2021 and thought that voice technology is an important driver of customer satisfaction. A vast majority (88%) also believe a voice interface can deliver a competitive advantage.

The rapid adoption of smart speakers and the growing shift from keyboard searches to voice searches on the internet are indicators that human-to-machine interactions are moving quickly to speech.

Best-in-class enterprises are already using voice assistants to elevate their brands, improve relationships with customers, and grow market share.

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Here are five key elements to enhance customer experience through a Voice user interface for your brand:

  1. Have an engaging personality

What does your brand sound like? Creating a voice interface that embodies your brand and your customer is the greatest and most important challenge of integrating voice into your product.

Selecting a persona is just as important as selecting a brand ambassador. 

Based on your business goals and company mission statement, design a brand persona that is reflective of your values and your customers. To do that, you’ll need to make decisions about the specific characteristics and personality of your brand’s voice assistant.


  1. Be customer-centric

Keeping your customer at the center of your voice design is critical to implementing a voice interface. The ultimate goal is to create a voice assistant that’s personalized, authentic, human, and relatable. A customer-centric approach to product interactions will help you anticipate your users’ needs and requests beyond just the questions they ask.

Carefully consider the tone and pitch of the voice that will be interacting with your customers. When creating a brand personality for your voice interface, remember that people relate best to others who sound and act the most like themselves.

How well your voice interface is able to put questions into context and answer them based on location and intent helps truly elevate customer experiences to the next level.

  1. Keep it as natural as possible

People don’t like to talk to computers, especially ones that don’t understand them. Advances in natural language processing for voice interfaces have greatly reduced the barriers to adoption among people in all demographic groups. However, until the adoption is 100%, designers of products with voice interfaces will have to find more ways to break down those barriers through the strategic use of small talk, banter, and humor.

Finding the right mix for your brand will depend largely on your audience and your understanding of their pain points.

With frequent research, voice iterations, and user testing, you can collect critical insights into those areas where your system is not meeting your customers’ needs. Based on real data from your users, product designers can modify voice responses to sound more natural and in tune with your customers’ unique needs and expectations.

  1. Be there to help as a guide

Are your customers getting the greatest value from your Voice assistant? It depends. If they don’t know how to use it or only have a surface understanding of its capabilities, they’re not likely to find out what else it can do on their own.

Building learning tools and prompts into your system will help with user adoption and satisfaction. Present additional features or options in small chunks that don’t interfere with the experience or overwhelm users with more information than they can process.

  1. Choose the right business partner

One of the greatest challenges businesses face today is the ability to hire the right talent at the right time. The importance of having the right person in place is just as important as finding the right partner and platform to help bring your voice strategy to life.

For your customer, interacting with your Voice interface should be akin to chatting with the most personable, witty and empathetic customer service representative. Not only should your voice assistant answer questions, provide support and move conversations along, it must be able to do so using natural language and with the speed and accuracy we expect from human interactions.

Reduce customer frustration and encourage continued engagement by turning a bad experience into a delightful one by choosing the right partner to help you deliver truly meaningful and memorable customer experiences. Those who are able to provide the most natural, easy and memorable voice experiences will become known for their brand voice as much as for their products. Market leaders are already implementing Voice interfaces that deliver unique and delightful customer experiences that create brand affinity and grow market share.


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